Posted May 25, 2004 at 8:00 pm
Wweeeee!  I'm sucking bandwidth like an industrial vacuum cleaner (I would have used a raunchier expression, but restrained myself by dragging my hands from the keyboard and beating my gutter-minded brain with a stick.  Bad brain!  BAD BRAIN!!) Anyway, this bandwidth suckage is costing me, so if you could find it in the goodness of your hearts to donate on the right there, or better yet, get something for your money by buying something from the Misfile Store, I'd be much obliged.   Still, it's a free comic, and a free country, so if you don't I'll just suffer in silence.  *Sighs with whoa...*  Yeah, yeah, I know what you're saying.  "Suck it up, jackass, this was your idea to do multiple comics in the first place", but I can try can't I?  Oh, yeah, I just did.  Just read the page already. ;)