Posted February 15, 2005 at 7:00 pm
Busy busy week at work.  I'm already a day behind in my drawing schedule.  I'll have to make it up this weekend.  At least it's a good three day president's day weekend. For all you native Spanish speakers out there, and those trying to learn, Misfile is now available in Spanish!  [url=http://misfile.ahost4free.com/]MISFILE IN SPANISH LINK[/url] The big [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/98260]Building 12/Misfile[/url] and more art book is STILL for sale as well.   So check it out and [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/98260]buy the book already.[/url] ;) MISFILE TO BE PUBLISHED BY [url=http://www.eigomanga.com]EIGOMANGA![/url]