Posted September 23, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Just over a week left in the month and I still haven't unfortunately made it even half way to the month's donation goal. I was in DC all weekend. I've been before, but I got to tour the Capitol Building this time, which was a first for me. Unfortunately I seem to have picked up a cold while I was there and a nasal drip which is driving me mad. Bleh. I'm still pissed off about my car too. I've got some feelers out for another one but it doesn't make me feel any better about having been unable to save the one I found. [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/misfile---book-9---created-by-chris-hazelton/6205375]AT LONG LAST! MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 9 IS FINALLY AVAILABLE IN PRINT!!![/url] TIME THAT MY 2ND QUARTER ROYALTIES FROM WOWIO (Over $7000) ARE OVERDUE: ONE FULL YEAR AND 44 DAYS AND STILL COUNTING!!! WHERE IS MY MONEY, WOWIO?! (Oh, and Platinum, don't think you get off the hook for selling off your obligations without paying me. You guys are still assholes...)