Posted October 4, 2009 at 8:00 pm
I've been trying to find a way to get up to Virginia to look at this XR4Ti that's for sale, but one thing or another keeps making it impossible. I swear the guy selling it must think I'm a total flake already. Wowio now claims that all backed royalties will be paid by November 15. If it's true, I'm happy with that. It's time to see if they live up to it this time. [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/misfile---book-9---created-by-chris-hazelton/6205375]AT LONG LAST! MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 9 IS FINALLY AVAILABLE IN PRINT!!![/url] TIME THAT MY 2ND QUARTER ROYALTIES FROM WOWIO (Over $7000) ARE OVERDUE: ONE FULL YEAR AND 5 DAYS AND STILL COUNTING!!! WHERE IS MY MONEY, WOWIO?! (Oh, and Platinum, don't think you get off the hook for selling off your obligations without paying me. You guys are still assholes...)