Posted May 11, 2011 at 8:00 pm
When Walmart starts complaining that their numbers are dropping because people can't afford to shop there, you know the economy has taken a hit. Anyway, as such, I just wanted to extend a special "thank you" to everyone who has continued to donate to Misfile through all this and an extra special thanks to everyone who still is. I don't take it for granted and I'm brainstorming some way to throw in some extras as well. If you look under Third's rant, you'll see that the Misfile pin grab bags are available once more. $25 bucks buys you four pins from eras past. Specific pins can not be requested, but there was a pretty good amount of trading going on last round. [url=http://www.misfile.com/?menu=commissions]Commissions are OPEN[/url]