Posted September 28, 2004 at 8:00 pm
Not much going on.  Just work, work, work.  So instead, I'll ask a question.  What sort of stuff would everyone like to see in the store?  In addition, on the off chance that I put together a deal to make some plush SD Rumisiel dolls, who would be interested in one?  Let me know.   [url=http://eigomanga.com/]EigoMANGA[/url] has recently informed me that it looks like Misfile will first appear in print in the 2nd issue of [url=http://s95330819.onlinehome.us/manga/sakura.htm]Sakura Pak[/url] later this year.  I hope I can count on your support in getting EigoMANGA to release Misfile individually in it's own graphic novel next year.  Until then Please support EigoMANGA and Sakura Pak.   MISFILE TO BE PUBLISHED BY [url=http://eigomanga.com/]EIGOMANGA[/url]!