Posted November 2, 2005 at 7:00 pm
Back to less ridiculously long rants… Please vote for your favorite Building 12 and Misfile Halloween costumes in the “Costumes 2005” section of the Misfile Art Page before next week! It appears there was some confusion, and I got several entries drawing My characters in costume. While the contest was for you to actually dress up AS one of my characters, I have posted these extra pictures in the fan art section as well. Don't forget to [url=http://www.buzzcomix.net/in.php?id=Misfile]VOTE FOR MISFILE ON BUZZ COMIX[/url] MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 2 IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR SALE!!! That's right, even more Misfile in print. Book 1 is still available as well. [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/144813]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 1[/url] [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/151424]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 2[/url] I'm a bit too busy to do commissions at the moment, but I'll try to finish what's on my plate. I'll reopen commissions when things are a bit less hectic.