Posted November 5, 2005 at 7:00 pm
Many thanks to Dommie from [url=http://www.gozers.com/]Consumed[/url] For this bonus comic. Don't forget to [url=http://www.buzzcomix.net/in.php?id=Misfile]VOTE FOR MISFILE ON BUZZ COMIX[/url] MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 2 IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR SALE!!! That's right, even more Misfile in print. Book 1 is still available as well. [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/144813]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 1[/url] [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/151424]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 2[/url] I'm a bit too busy to do commissions at the moment, but I'll try to finish what's on my plate. I'll reopen commissions when things are a bit less hectic.