Posted March 24, 2011 at 8:00 pm
THERE ARE ONLY SEVEN DAYS LEFT to get this month's pin! Still only around the halfway mark for donations this month. My apologies that it's taking so long to get last month's pins mailed out. Newborn kind of got in the way. We mailed out about half of them on Wednesday. SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR THE ART AUCTION ON EBAY! The art up on ebay in an attempt to raise some cash to cover the gap in our finances due to Third's being out on Maternity leave. If you want to take a look, it's here: [url=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250792379481&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT]Misfile Art Auction[/url] I've been asked to participate in something I feel strongly about. It is called "Japan Needs Heroes": "JAPAN NEEDS HEROES is a comic book featuring numerous creative talent from both the Webcomic and Print comic worlds coming together for a common cause. 100% of the profits for this book will go to benefit the victims affected by the tragedy in Japan." As many of you already know, I have a newborn, so I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to actually participate (though I hope to). However, the least I can do is pass out a link to the site of the project, so here it is. Please take a look: [url=http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1932174840/japan-needs-heroes]Japan Needs Heroes[/url] Third will be out of work for upwards of two months and I will not be collecting my secondary income from the hobby shop for several weeks, so I'll probably be throwing some special artwork up on ebay and pushing commissions and other things to help make up the difference. Not sure what yet, though. [url=http://www.misfile.com/?menu=commissions]Commissions are OPEN[/url]