Posted November 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm
LAST WEEK TO GET THIS MONTH'S PIN! Well, the budget talks failed, as I expected. I'm going to do something I don't usually do. I'm going to say something political, so you've been warned. So what's the first thing all the politicians did after they failed? They went public and blamed the other side. Yeah, that's useful. You know what? Republicans, it's not the Democrats' fault. Democrats, it's not the Republicans' fault. You know who's fault it is? It's your fault. That's right. You guys in office? You fucked up. Not the other guy, you. You all suck, and you are all part of the problem. So get off your asses and stop taking my money to play the blame game 365 days a year and either do the job you were voted in to do or bow out. Anyone at this point who is more of a Democrat or more of a Republican than they are an American IS the problem. Be Americans first and sort the rest out later because we're in this mess together and it's the only way we'll get out. I am an American, and I am pissed off. Commissions are OPEN! [url=http://www.misfile.com/?menu=commissions]Commissions are OPEN[/url] If you want to subscribe to my twitter account you can do so here: [url=http://twitter.com/#!/misfilecomic]Misfile Twitter Page[/url]